• INS Arihant submarine self made by India having atomic energy power in it submit in India Navy.
  • AIFF announced Sunil Khetri as best Indian footballer of year 2013.
  • Indian self made GSLV-D5 having cryogenic engine launched successfully satellite GSAT-14.
  • Shizo Abe Prime minister of Japan invited as Special guest on Republic Day Parade.
  • VVIP helicopter Agusta westland deals banned due to the corruption reason.
  • India win U-19 Asia cup held in Sharjaha by beating Pakistan in final.
  • New Zealand cricketer batsman Corey Anderson hits century in just 36 balls in ODI against West Indies make record of fastest century in ODI.
  • Australia Open winner
  • Stanislas wawrinka ( Switzerland) wins Men’s Single 
  • Li Na (China) wins Women’ single 
  • Lucas Cubot (Poland) and Robert landstad (Sweden) wins Men’s Double
  • Sara Irani (Italy) and Roberta Vinci (Italy) wins Women’s Double
  • Christian (France) and Denial nester (Canada) wins Mixed Double
  • Australia cricket team beats England in Ashes series by 5-0 and in ODI 4-1.
  • Indian Long Jump Athlete Anju Boby George silver medal converted in gold that wins in 2005 IAAF events in Monte Carlo due to gold winner Tatyana Kotova (Russia) find positive in Dope test.    

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