Essay on mid day meal in school of India

essay on mid day meal in school of India

In India, a midday meal is an integral part of the school day. In some schools, it is compulsory for all students to eat a midday meal. In other schools, it is optional. The primary purpose of the midday meal is to provide students with a nutritious snack and to help them concentrate during the afternoon classroom sessions. The midday meal is prepared by the school’s food service provider. The service provider may be a private vendor or a central government body. The food and beverage industry in India is highly regulated, and many companies employ personnel trained in nutrition to ensure that the meals are nutritious and safe.


What are the benefits of having a mid-day meal in schools in India? 

In India, it is customary for children to have a mid-day meal. The benefits of having this meal are manifold. Mid-day meals help to improve the nutritional status of students and also help to reduce their chances of being obese or overweight. They also help to boost the school performance of students as they get more energy in the afternoon and are less likely to be distracted. Additionally, mid-day meals support socialization among students as they get to know each other better and build relationships. 

What are the current practices of providing a mid-day meal in schools in India? 

The current practices of providing a mid-day meal in schools in India vary depending on the school district. In general, most schools offer a midday meal that is either subsidized by the government or paid for by the school. Some schools also serve an evening meal as well. The quality and quantity of food that is served at most mid-day meals is not very good, and children often complain about it. Many schools also do not have enough facilities to cook the food, which can lead to problems such as bacterial contamination and cross contamination. 


What are the challenges of providing a mid-day meal in schools in India? 


The challenges of providing a mid-day meal in schools in India include lack of infrastructure, low quality and quantity of food, and children not receiving nutritious meals. 


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